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What You Need to Know about Wrongful Death Lawsuits


Wrongful death claims are something a family never wants to go through. Losing a loved one because of somebody’s negligence is an unfortunate thing but tragically, sometimes, it does happen. If you have lost a loved one due to someone else’s negligence, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death suit. The Aranda Law Firm has been helping people in Las Cruces with their suits for years. You can trust the experience and knowledge of our attorney, Marco Aranda, to help you through this.


What is a Wrongful Death?

According to law.com, wrongful death is defined as ‘the death of a human being as the result of a wrongful act of another person.’ Causes in Las Cruces include accidental death caused in automobile accident, work related death, medical malpractice and death caused by an unlawful act during a crime. Monetary compensation can never replace your loved one, but it can help their family by taking away some financial burden. This is especially important if the wrongful death in question was that of the family provider.


Who is Responsible?

Often, when you are considering filing a wrongful death claim or suit, you start to think about who you can sue. The question often depends on the cause of the claim, but below are some examples:


In the state of New Mexico, claims must be brought within three years of the date of death. If you wish to pursue a wrongful death suit, the Aranda Law Firm will be there to provide you with the best representation possible. If your family has lost a loved one because of wrongful death in Las Cruces, contact the Aranda Law Firm today.

Why Should You Speak to a Car Accident Lawyer in Las Cruces NM?


A car accident lawyer in Las Cruces NM can provide you with legal representation if you sustained serious injuries in a collision caused by a hit-and-run driver. Although it is illegal to flee the scene of a crash, some people do it anyway. This often happens when a driver does not have a valid license, when a driver has clearly caused the accident through his negligence, or when the motorist was intoxicated at the time of the crash.

Regardless of the reason for the hit and run, police will investigate it. If the driver who caused you harm in a hit-and-run is found, you may be able to pursue a claim against them for compensation. You can file a personal injury lawsuit to seek monetary compensation for all of the damages the hit-and-run driver has caused you, including for medical expenditures, loss of income, and pain and suffering and other non-economic loss. You will want to speak with a car accident lawyer for help with your claim because you are going to need to prove that the hit-and-run driver was the one who caused your accident.

A hit-and-run driver sometimes does not have automobile insurance, which can make it difficult for you to collect compensation from him. If this is the case, a car accident lawyer can provide you with assistance in exploring other options for getting compensation including making an uninsured motorist claim.

Aranda Law Firm has extensive experience representing clients in hit and run cases. To learn more about how we can help you, give us a call today to talk with a car accident lawyer in Las Cruces NM.

1990 Lohman Ave., Las Cruces NM 88001 | 575.386.5100


Truck Accident in Las Cruces NM | Working Towards A Win


If your vehicle was grazed by an 18 wheeler and you crashed your car as a result, you need to understand how the laws apply to truck accidents in Las Cruces NM. Under the law, the person or company responsible for truck accidents in Las Cruces NM should be required to pay for your losses and damages if you sustain serious injuries.  You can pursue a claim for compensation from the truck driver. Trucking companies are responsible for accidents if their policies led to the collision or if their driver on duty was negligent while working. This means you may have multiple parties to pursue a claim against after a truck accident in Las Cruces NM.

When you pursue a claim, you can negotiate with the insurance company to reach a settlement without litigation, or you can go to court to try to convince the jury to provide you with compensation after a truck accident. You will have to show that the truck driver and/or company was the specific cause of the collision.  If you were grazed by the 18 wheeler and then your car crashed, the insurance company that is responsible for paying out may try to argue that the crash would have happened even if the truck had not grazed you or may try to argue that you were the one who was to blame for the truck accident in Las Cruces NM.

A truck accident lawyer can help you to obtain evidence and to put together a case to present to an insurer or in a court room.  Call a lawyer as soon as you can after a truck accident in Las Cruces NM so you can begin working towards a successful case for compensation.  The Aranda Law Firm is here to help.

1990 E. Lohman Ave., Las Cruces NM 88001 | 575.386.5100

18 Wheeler Accident in Las Cruces NM | Negligence has No Excuse


After an 18 wheeler accident in Las Cruces NM, contact the Aranda Law Firm for help. Accidents involving 18 wheelers often cause serious injuries or even death because the truck is so large and the impact from the accident is so forceful. You deserve to be fully compensated for crash losses and an attorney can help you to pursue a damage claim.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires that commercial trucks have at least $750,000 in liability insurance, or at least $5 million in insurance if they transport certain types of hazardous materials. It is very common for victims of an 18 wheeler accident in Las Cruces NM to be able to sue the trucking company that employed the truck driver.  This is true because of agency laws that make employers responsible for negligent actions of on-the-job workers.  Sometimes, trucking companies are also sued if they have substandard hiring practices, don’t provide proper training, or are otherwise negligent in their own right.

If you have been involved in an 18 wheeler accident in Las Cruces NM, your attorney will help you to determine if you have a claim against the trucking company. Your lawyer can also help you to prove your case. You can recover compensation for medical costs, wage losses, pain and suffering, emotional distress, or wrongful death if you can show the driver or trucking company was to blame.  If the driver violated any FMCSA rules, such as the rule on maximum drive time, this creates a presumption of negligence.  If the driver was intoxicated, distracted, drowsy, or speeding, these are all examples of situations where negligence should be easy to prove.

To learn more about your right to compensation after an 18 wheeler accident in Las Cruces NM, call the Aranda Law Firm today.
1990 E. Lohman Ave., Las Cruces NM | 575.386.5100


Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Las Cruces NM | Let Us Help You



A motorcycle accident attorney in Las Cruces NM can represent victims of accidents that occur while riding.  A motorcyclist is significantly more likely to be hurt in a collision than someone who is in a car or a truck. Death is also more likely to occur after a motorcycle crash than after an accident in a passenger car.  You need to ensure you have a legal advocate looking out for you if you were hurt or someone you love died in a crash.

Some of the common injuries that result from motorcycle crashes can include road burn, broken bones, spinal cord damage, and traumatic brain injury. These and other injuries can be profoundly life-changing, often leaving you unable to continue working for a living as you amass huge medical bills and costs.  You may also experience ongoing pain as a result of the injuries that were sustained in your motorcycle accident.

When you find yourself suffering from injuries or coping with a death due to an accident, a motorcycle accident attorney in Las Cruces NM can look out for your legal interests as you cope with your medical needs or your grief. You may be able to obtain monetary compensation if someone else caused your motorcycle crash, and this money can provide you with payments for all losses including financial and non-economic damages.  You have a limited period of time in which to take action and you need to know your rights as you deal with an insurance company or file a personal injury or wrongful death claim.

Aranda Law Firm is here to help you.  Call us today to learn how a motorcycle accident attorney in Las Cruces NM can assist you with getting full and fair compensation after a crash. 1990 E Lohman Ave Las Cruces, NM 88001 | 575.386.5100

Championing Your Cause: Personal Injury Attorney in Las Cruces NM



A personal injury attorney in Las Cruces NM is there for you if you have been injured in a motor vehicle collision, because of defective products, or because of injuries on property. There are many other situations in which an injury attorney may also be able to provide legal representation to you. If there was some individual, company, or other entity that did something wrong or careless and that hurt you or someone you love, an injury attorney can help.

There are two primary ways that victims can recover compensation for personal injury. One option is to negotiate a settlement. The party who caused the injury, or the insurance company whose policyholder caused injury, may offer a lump sum amount of money to victims.  A personal injury attorney in Las Cruces NM can review any settlement offers that are made to you in order to determine if the amount of compensation being offered seems fair and reasonable. There are many situations in which attorneys are able to negotiate with insurers to get more compensation for victims as part of a settlement. You need to make sure that you get the full amount of money you need and expect, since a settlement comes with a liability release you must sign.

The other primary option for resolving an injury claim is to take a civil case to court. A personal injury attorney in Las Cruces NM can help you to file a lawsuit, put together a case, and present evidence in court that will convince a jury to award you full and fair compensation for losses.

Aranda Law Firm has helped many injured victims to get compensation.  To talk to a personal injury attorney in Las Cruces NM who cares about helping those who have been hurt, call Aranda Law Firm today. 2507 N. Stanton. El Paso, TX 79902. Phone: 915-996-9914


Need A Pedestrian Accident Attorney in Las Cruces NM?




If your loved one was crossing the street and was hit by a car, you need to contact a pedestrian accident attorney in Las Cruces NM. A pedestrian who is going across the road has no protectiofrom the impact of a striking vehicle. His body absorbs the full force of the car, causing serious and potentially catastrophic or fatal injuries. The damage can be life-changing, and the victim and his or her family have legal rights.

A pedestrian accident attorney in Las Cruces NM like those at Aranda Law Firm can evaluate the facts surrounding the collision to help you determine if a claim for compensation can be made. Your loved one can file a personal injury case to recover monetary payment for actual losses as well as non-financial losses. This can include things like pain and suffering, missed wages, lost earning potential, medical treatment expenses, and emotional distress. If your loved one is severely impaired or has been killed, you can file a lawsuit for loss of companionship or wrongful death.

To recover compensation after someone is hit by a car while crossing the road, the victim or his family must determine who was to blame and be able to prove liability. A pedestrian accident attorney in Las Cruces NM can help to identify all possible individuals and businesses who could be responsible for the crash. Aranda Law Firm can help you determine if this could be the driver who hit your loved one, but also a car manufacturer or a road designer in certain instances.

A pedestrian accident attorney in Las Cruces NM can also provide assistance in dealing with the insurance company after the accident. The insurer of the driver who hit your loved one may make a settlement offer but you shouldn’t sign any paperwork until you have talked to a lawyer and ensure it is in your best interests to agree to settle the case. Call Aranda Law Firm today to learn more. 2507 N. Stanton. El Paso, TX 79902. Phone: 915-996-9914

Involved in a Truck Accident In Las Cruces NM?

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A truck accident in Las Cruces NM can be quite serious due to the fact that trucks are very large vehicles that weigh a lot more than a typical car. Truck accidents are different from automobile accidents because most of the time, big trucks are owned by businesses that be sued for compensation. When a truck accident occurs, the people involved are going to need the help of an attorney.

Injures From a Truck Accident Can Be More Severe
When two cars hit, the injuries can damage can be from mild to moderate, but it also depends on how fast the cars were traveling. However, with a truck accident, the chances of the accident being more severe are quite high because of the differences in weight. A truck accident in Las Cruces NM can be bad enough to result in severe injury or even death, and that is going to mean a lot more in terms of legal rights, filing a lawsuit, and getting the proper compensation for both damages and injuries.

A Personal Injury Lawyer Understands Insurance Companies
Injuries caused from a truck accident in Las Cruces NM may mean time in a hospital, and the injured person is not going to be in the best shape to deal with the insurance company.  People who are hurt need to worry about healing, and a personal injury lawyer can be the one to deal with the insurance company became they understand what it is like to deal with them and will not be intimidated.
Trucks are some of the biggest vehicles on the road, and being struck by one can be devastating and cause horrific injuries. When people are injured by big trucks they need help.  Aranda Law Firm knows what to do, so call them at 915.996.9914 or come into the office, located at 2507 N. Stanton, El Paso TX.



We Fight For Your Rights: Car Accident Lawyer in Las Cruces NM

car accident las cruces

When you have sustained catastrophic injuries in a motor vehicle collision, it is imperative that you contact a car accident lawyer in Las Cruces NM. Catastrophic injuries are severe, which means that they are expensive to treat. You may require comprehensive medical care, such as reconstructive surgery or rehabilitation.  These injuries are sometimes untreatable and may leave you permanently impaired and unable to work for the rest of your life. In some cases, catastrophic injuries may make it impossible for you to communicate or care for yourself and your family members will be left without your companionship.

Aranda Law Firm has experience representing clients who have suffered catastrophic injuries.  When you contact Aranda Law Firm, you can speak with a car accident lawyer in Las Cruces NM who has helped clients to recover compensation for spinal cord damage, traumatic brain injury, severe burns, and other debilitating injuries.  The more serious your injuries, the larger the damages after a collision and the more important it is for you to fight for full and fair compensation.  Not every car accident lawyer in Las Cruces NM can go the distance in fighting for clients with catastrophic injuries, but the Aranda Law Firm has the negotiation and litigation experience needed to help you make a very strong case for proper compensation.

Victims of collisions should be paid for medical bills, including future medical treatments that they need after their case settles or after the jury decides on their damage award. Victims should also be paid for any time from work they miss, and for a reduction in working abilities that lowers their wages or makes earning income impossible. A car accident lawyer in Las Cruces NM can help you to fight for these damages, as well as for compensation for your physical and emotional trauma. Call Aranda Law Firm today to learn more. 2507 N. Stanton. El Paso, TX 79902. Phone: 915-996-9914



A Personal Injury Lawyer in Las Cruces NM who can Handle your Claim


If you believe any person, company, or government agency did something that caused you to be hurt or that injured or killed your loved one, you need to speak with a personal injury lawyer in Las Cruces NM.

Personal injury lawyers help clients to pursue a claim for compensation if they are harmed because of negligence; because of a breach of a legal duty or obligation; or because of intentional wrongdoing.  The law allows victims of a personal injury to be “made whole,” so they are fully compensated for both financial loss and for non-economic damages. This means compensations should be available for emotional distress; for pain and suffering; for medical expenses; for ongoing medical care; for days missed from work; or from any losses in future wages if your injuries are permanent and affect work abilities.

After an injury, an insurance company is almost always is involved. If you were harmed by a doctor, this may be a malpractice insurer. If you were hurt in a car crash, this will be an auto insurer. If you were hurt by a dangerous dog or on someone’s property, this will be a homeowner’s insurer, renter’s insurer, or other property insurer.  You should let your personal injury lawyer in Las Cruces NM deal with the insurer on your behalf. Insurance companies often try to pressure you to settle for less money than you would normally be owed. Your personal injury lawyer in Las Cruces NM can fight to help ensure this does not happen.

The Aranda Law Firm handles all types of injury claims and we can help you fight for full and fair compensation any time someone hurt you or killed someone you love.  Call today to talk to a personal injury lawyer in Las Cruces NM who is here to help you. 2507 N. Stanton. El Paso, TX 79902 | 915-996-9914



Aranda Law Firm
Rated 5/5 based on 6 customer reviews
Aranda Law Firm
  • My case was a long one…took over a year. But Mr. Aranda made everything work out in my favor. He’s very professional and knows his business very well. I have recommended him to people I know who needed legal help and I recommend him to you too.

  • Reading through the reviews online I was very impressed with Mr. Aranda. He was highly expert with my case. And from the beginning, he helped me understand exactly what to expect with my case. No surprises, it went just like I thought it would turn out, and just as long as I thought. He made […]

  • I was very impressed with Mr. Aranda’s honesty. And he was very frank and forward. He set the plan in motion, and my case was actually finished fast. He is a great attorney!

  • Marco Aranda is a rare gem… he’s straight-up and very honest, which are rare attributions with anything these days. Everything I asked him to do for my case was done and it went as well as I could have hoped. I’m very pleased with him and his services.

  • Mr. Aranda brought about the best results. From the get-go, he was sincere and cared about my case and the outcome. He helped me finalize my divorce and I couldn’t have asked for better results, so 2 thumbs up for sure.

  • I can assure you, you will not be disappointed with the Aranda Law Firm. Mr. Aranda is just wonderful and will take time and meet with you personally regarding your case. Him and his staff are professional and very good at what they do. I recommend you give him a call today!

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