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A Few Pros and Cons of Owning a Motorcycle

a motorcyclist looking at his motorcycleThere are countless advantages to riding a motorcycle. It is important for drivers and motorcyclists alike to apply extra caution while sharing the road. If you are considering getting a motorcycle, here are a few pros and cons from an experienced motorcycle accident attorney that you should consider.

The Pros of Owning a Motorcycle  

Riding a motorcycle isn’t just about looking cool—although it definitely has that effect. Motorcycles are also incredibly convenient, low maintenance, and relatively inexpensive. Here are a few pros of owning a motorcycle:

  • Motorcycles are Cheaper to Run

    • A typical motorcycle uses less than half of the fuel that an automobile does. Not only does this save motorcyclists money, but it is also more environmentally friendly!
  • Motorcycles are Easier to Park

    • If you live in a big city, chances are you will stress about having to find parking on the busy city streets. With a motorcycle, finding parking is much easier. Cities typically designate special spots on the streets for motorcycle parking, but these easy to navigate bikes can pretty much park anywhere!
  • Motorcycles are Good in Traffic

    • Are you tired of sitting in traffic jams during rush hour? Motorcycles have the ability to weave in and out of long traffic lines, helping drivers to get to their destination on time!

The Cons of Owning a Motorcycle  

While there are many benefits of owning a motorcycle, there are also some challenges that come with it. Here are a few:

  • Towing a Motorcycle is Tough

    • While cars can be hooked behind a big trailer and towed, motorcycles have to be carted off. They can’t be dragged along the road behind a car! While you hopefully won’t have to tow your bike anytime soon, it is still something to consider.
  • Motorcycles Aren’t Weather Friendly

    • Sure, there are tough people out there who ride their bikes through rain, sun, and snow, but most people miss the shelter that a car provides. It is also not as safe to drive on gravel or ice on a motorcycle, but skilled drivers know how to adjust their driving in such conditions.
  • Motorcyclists are More Vulnerable to Bad Drivers

    • Unfortunately, car drivers do not always share the road well with motorcyclists. As motorcycle accident attorneys, we see far too many cases of automobile negligence. Still, driving defensively and taking proper safety measures can help a motorcyclist stay safe.

Support from a Motorcycle Accident Attorney

In 2015, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that motorcycle fatalities grew by 8.2 percent – or 382 people – between 2014 and 2015. This is tragic, and we must work to promote motorcycle safety – beginning with the automobile drivers who share the road with motorcyclists. At the Aranda Law Firm, we are committed to motorcyclists and their safety, and we fight to ensure that motorcyclists get the recompense they need after an accident. If you are in need of the support of a motorcycle accident attorney, don’t hesitate to contact our office today.

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  • Mi experiencia con el Sr. Aranda fue muy buena y positiva. Él junto con su personal fueron maravillosos. Tuve un caso muy difícil y él me fue de mucha ayuda. Trabajó con nosotros y nunca dejó de dar seguimiento a todo lo que estaba sucediendo. Nunca nos dejo solos y realmente me gustó eso.

  • Me sentí muy cómoda y confiada la primera vez que me reuní con el Sr. Aranda sobre mi caso. Admito, estaba muy nerviosa, pero la confianza del Sr. Aranda me tranquilizó. ¡Sentí que el resultado fue justo lo que esperaba y más! El Sr. Aranda superó mis expectativas y estoy muy agradecida con él. ¡Gracias […]

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