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A DWI Attorney Explains the Implications of a Second DWI Charge

man about to get a dwi charge from a copDid you know that about one third of people who are arrested for a DWI have previously received a DWI? In Texas, a second DWI is a Class A misdemeanor, and the penalties can be fairly severe. Have you have been charged with a second DWI? Then working with a DWI attorney, such as the ones you’ll find at the Aranda Law Firm, is imperative. Here are a few important pieces of information about the legal implications of single and multiple DWIs.

What Does a DWI in Texas Look Like?

Driving while intoxicated alcohol is illegal in every U.S. state. Each state has particular laws that define the offense and outline the specific legal penalties. The Texas Penal Code defines driving while intoxicated under Title 10, Chapter 49. Drivers who are “intoxicated” have decreased physical and cognitive functioning. It is considered illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08. For commercial drivers, the BAC limit is more strict at .04. For drivers under the age of 21, even trace amounts of alcohol in the system can lead to a DWI charge.

Those who are charged with their first DWI typically receive a Class B Misdemeanor. Penalties may include of to a $2,000 fine, confinement for anywhere from 72 hours to 180 days, and between 90 and 365 days of license suspension.

The Legal Implications of a Second DWI

Because there is no loopback period in Texas, prior DWI charges can count toward a second charge and typically lead to a minimum of one month of jail time. Consequences for a second DWI may even begin before the trial by having his or her license revoked. An individual convicted of a second DWI is subject to a $4,000 fine, 20 to 365 days in jail, and 180 days to 2 years of license suspension. Community service or rehabilitative treatment may also be deemed mandatory by the judge. This is because a second DWI is often seen to be indicative of a substance abuse problem.  A third DWI is considered a felony in the state of Texas, and the consequences for this offense are notably more severe.

Necessary Representation from a DWI Attorney

If you have a DWI conviction, a DWI attorney can help. Together, you can navigate the complexities of your situation. Texas law cracked down on driving while intoxicated. Those who are charged of with one DWI or multiple DWI’s are practically asking for greater punishments if they choose not to work with a DWI attorney. If you are in need of solid defense in El Paso, the Arnada Law Firm is a great place to start. With this in mind, contact our office for assistance in your DWI case.

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  • Mi experiencia con el Sr. Aranda fue muy buena y positiva. Él junto con su personal fueron maravillosos. Tuve un caso muy difícil y él me fue de mucha ayuda. Trabajó con nosotros y nunca dejó de dar seguimiento a todo lo que estaba sucediendo. Nunca nos dejo solos y realmente me gustó eso.

  • Me sentí muy cómoda y confiada la primera vez que me reuní con el Sr. Aranda sobre mi caso. Admito, estaba muy nerviosa, pero la confianza del Sr. Aranda me tranquilizó. ¡Sentí que el resultado fue justo lo que esperaba y más! El Sr. Aranda superó mis expectativas y estoy muy agradecida con él. ¡Gracias […]

  • ¡Un abogado impresionante! Nunca antes había tenido que trabajar con un abogado, pero desde la primera reunión con el Sr. Aranda supe que había tomado la decisión correcta. Él obviamente se preocupó por mí y mi caso, y fue muy amable en cualquier momento que necesitaba consultarle algo. Su dedicación a su trabajo y a […]

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  • El señor Aranda manejó con facilidad mi caso. Él tiene una seguridad que de inmediato te tranquiliza y confíe en que iba hacer un buen trabajo. Él cuenta con un personal profesional que son excelentes en lo que hacen y siempre me mantuvieron al día de el progreso que estaban haciendo. Sugeriría que consideres probar […]

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